Friday, August 26, 2016

Hospitality Ministry (Introduction)

Hospitality Ministry 
(Also known as Greeters Ministry)

God has called His followers “as they are going” to take the gospel with them, Matthew 28:18-20. At the same time, we read in 1 Corinthians 14:23-24 and James 2:2-4 about how unbelievers may come into the assembly and have an impression of God. We are representing God at all times and we can constant learn how to improve our impression for our creator. At every assembly we have precious opportunities to share God's love through our words and actions because we are the body of Christ.


You are a "somebody"
Sometimes you hear that "nobody is doing anything" and we call attention to the "somebodies" who are representing our Creator. Sometimes God put's an impression on a Christian's heart that says, "somebody" needs to welcome or serve a guest or Christian. God loves "somebody" and you are a great somebody. Thanks for being the somebody who represents God well.

Did we have any first-time Guests attend last Sunday or today? How many have we had the past month…the past year? Those Guests were God’s gift to us. How did we receive them? Did we show God our appreciation for these gifts? Did we treat those gifts as they deserved to be treated by having a plan in place to integrate them into the body of Christ, or did we just say a quick thank you and move on? Not one of these Guests showed up at our doorstep haphazardly. By leading that Guest to us, God is giving us the privilege of working with Him to move someone forward in their journey toward Christ. How can we accomplish the goal of making a first-time Guest into a productive member? The methods and strategies of this service have proven to be one of the best ways in the country of advancing a first-time Guest to a second-time Guest to a regular attender and finally to a productive member of not only our congregation, but of God’s kingdom. By all of us being on the “same page” and presenting a consistent feeling, we can improve our odds of keeping the “seekers” here and not letting them slip through the cracks. Let’s begin thinking together…
I’ll never visit your church again! These are words no church wants to hear. Do you know that your guests will make this decision within seconds after walking in our door?

The church is a family that is expecting Guests. What do we do when we’re expecting Guests into our homes? We prepare. Upon arrival we show them around, show them where the restrooms are, and give them a comfortable place to sit. We do everything in our power to make sure our Guest feels welcome and respected in our home. Let’s work as a team so Guests will feel right about their choice to check out the Lord’s body.

The "Welcome" a person receives will give a person a real sense of where they belong. If they feel like they are in a place where they don't belong, then the congregation has lost a real opportunity for embracing them with the love of God. Generally speaking, when “unchurched” people enter our doors, they typically know few, if any people. They certainly hope to find warm greetings and friendly faces. First impressions are powerful. The first 30 to 90 seconds usually establish that biggest impression and most will have decided in 7 minutes. From that perspective they will look at everything else. Every successful retail business knows the importance of being friendly. We can reflect on our own experiences at Wal-Mart, Chick-Fil-A, or your favorite restaurant etc.

When you enter a Wal-Mart store, you are met at the door by a person who has one job to do. His job is to greet you and welcome you to the store. If you have an item to return, he helps you do that. If you need a shopping cart, he gets one for you. Why is he there? It is his job to make sure you do not sneak any open packages into the store? Is he trying to make sure you are not going to shoplift? Is he there to weed out the riffraff? Of course not! He is there to welcome shoppers.

Long ago Sam Walton and the rest of the leadership at Wal-Mart realized how important it is to greet each customer. They knew that a simple smile and one or two acts of assistance would make you, the customer and consumer, much more likely to enjoy shopping at Wal-Mart. That, in turn, would make you want to come back.

The business world understands the principle of making people feel welcome. We can learn from their example. “While hotels, restaurants, and stores all around us serve their Guests with intentional care, we often let ours wander in and out of our presence with no specific intent for showing them how important they are to us.” The helpful information to follow will point out a few things that help people determine whether or not we are naturally a church that wants guests here. There are a few steps that will improve a congregation from one that outsiders view as cold and distant to one that is warm and friendly. Some has to do with natural actions, other with welcoming terminology, and some with sharing relevant information.

Christ's church should genuinely be the most hospitable place in the world. Just like in the business world, it doesn't just stop with the greeter at the door. We want our guests to get a sense throughout their experience that everyone who is connected with the organization cares about them, because God has called us to reach the lost. We should intentionally give “outsiders” and “insiders” a time to experience God and His love.

I feel the Edmond Church of Christ is blessed with something that is rarely found in some congregations. This is why we are unique to God’s kingdom. Because of our size, we are blessed with many resources and avenues to meet a wide variety of needs. Usually large churches have a corporate culture rather than a personal service and family feel. God is challenging every one of us to grow in both of these areas to continue to reach more lost people and reach more deeply into one another’s lives.

Skip to other points in this thread. Or click on the link to the side. This is my ongoing "working" of hospitality ministry.

Hospitality Ministry (Introduction)
Warm Embrace
Hospitality Takes All Kinds
Have A Positive Attitude
People Matter
Parking Shuttle
First Impressions
"First Face" Greeters
Bulletin Greeters "First Information"
Building Hosts "First Feet"
Auditorium Section Hosts - "First Seat"
Classroom Hospitality "First Family"
"Lasting Heart" Impressions
Commitment to Guests
How to Make A Great First-time Guest Impression
Welcome Center - Information Central
Training and Equipping
How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Follow Up...
Guest Retention
First Time Guest Experience
The Visitor
Hospitality -- Open Your Circle

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Warm Embrace

A Warm Embrace
At the Edmond Church of Christ, we have three major movements for carrying out our mission for Christ; GO, EMBRACE, and CONNECT. It is in the movement of embracing our community around us that a real demonstration of lovingly receiving our guests is expressed. This initiative was launched in late 2012 going into 2013. Scripture calls us to “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” Romans 15:7. This is not an option, but a call to express Christian love in a practical way. It is our attitude of gratitude in response to the love of God we have received. Herbert Samuels says, "Life is like a mirror. If you frown at it, it frowns back. If you smile at it, it returns the greeting."

We are called to go, embrace, and connect. We want to be better than "good," we want to be known for our genuine hospitality. Let us make the best effort to let people know how valuable they are to God and to us. They belong here -- as together we all grow deeper in our relationship with God.

Through experience I've learned that people quickly forget what you said, people soon forget what you did, but people cannot forget how you made them feel. Sermons and class can shape our minds, but Jesus impacted lives through embracing and conversation. We can share God’s impact on our lives and how He’s touched our hearts and souls by reaching out to others.

The primary goal of a hospitality ministry team is to join with Jesus in building relationships. The environment we create for our guests is vital, but even more important to representing God.  The way we treat those visiting our services matters to them and their feelings toward Christ’s church. None of us would put a sign on our building or wear shirts that guests are not welcome. Yet, from an unbeliever's (sometimes believers) perspective, we communicate that we don't care if people are there. We fail to embrace others and one another. Years ago it was popular to have Romans 16:16 as a bumper sticker, "All the churches of Christ greet you" yet when guests would come into our buildings they were not sincerely greeted. We send many subtle messages that are understood as negative. Why not develop good habits of intentionally expressing clear positive messages of the love of God. Let’s embrace them with the love of God.

The most important factor in determining if a church is warm or cold is not the quality of the sermon. It is not the beauty of the singing, the quality of the Bible classes or the visitor information packets. The most important factor in determining if a church is warm or cold is enabling guests to find at least one friend.  If they find a friend, they will want to hear a good sermon. They will want to participate in beautiful singing. They will want to attend meaningful Bible classes and they will be interested in the printed material you present. If they do not make friends, the rest does not matter. A warm church has people who will be friends to guests, but they go beyond that. Those friendly people who make contact with guests make sure that several people are introduced. The guests are not dropped in a classroom or on a pew and expected to seek others. Instead, the friendly people introduce them to others. That makes a warm church.

It is important to send missionaries to the field. It is important to reach out evangelistically to our community. However, if a person or a family comes to our worship service and we do not reach out to them, we are missing one of the best opportunities to carry out the Great Commission.

The major aspect we started in 2012 was "Section Hosts." We continue to train and replace hosts families in this area. We have sections hosts assigned in designated areas of the auditorium to embrace, assist, and connect with members and guests. Their main purpose is to be hospitable and create a culture of people feeling welcome. Section Hosts collect the welcome books which allow for communication with us (secondary benefit for recording our attendance). If you are interested in learning more about being a "section host," please contact Kevin for more information and training.

As we develop a more effective Hospitality Team Ministry, let us continually tell our church family how important they are to the process. Make sure the members know that they are part of the “hospitality team” even if they are not part of the formal Hospitality Ministry. Then we will be a truly warm and embracing church that is the most hospitable place in God’s world. 

God and the early church never took people lightly, and we count it an honor when someone visits our assemblies. Our hospitality ministry is striving to drastically improve in a variety of areas. The newest part is coming soon with "section hosts.”

The service industry racks up billions of dollars each year in sales because people loved to be waited on hand and foot. But this idea of being served didn't just start with the hospitality industry.

Jesus' disciples thought they were going to get a taste of the good life. After all, they were going to be hanging out with the savior of the world. They kept waiting for Jesus to establish an earthly kingdom, and they postured themselves to be his right hand men. But didn't understand Jesus' purpose on earth.

Jesus came to earth to serve. He traveled from town to town spreading God's life-changing message, healing those in need, confronting the oppressive religious leaders of the day, and ultimately, giving his life for anyone who was willing to accept him. Jesus showed the disciples what it meant to serve, but they missed it.

Servanthood is a litmus test for the Christian life. Do we find ourselves in the same boat as the disciples, expecting to be served rather than to serve? If so, we are missing out on all that God has for us. We take our cue from Jesus, serve someone else and discover just what it means to live life to the fullest.

"And whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Mark 10:44-45

Monday, August 15, 2016

Hospitality Takes All Kinds

Ministry Team Diversity
While being part of a team, it requires knowing your personal role and responsibilities. Also, each role should understand somewhat of how each he fits in the larger concept of the team. Some will require more people skills or intuition to “connect” with a guest. Other roles will require more mobility. And still others will require a more in-depth working knowledge of information.

So far, we have looked at the general concepts to a successful Hospitality Team Ministry. There are significant things at each stage. Those begin from the very point of interest to considering attending a worship assembly. It may begin with an advertisement, church sign, invitation by a friend, or a spiritual thought from within. Each one of those creates some expectations as they arrive on church property. The experience of love from that time until they leave the property and the follow-up will drastically determine whether they will want to continue a relationship.

Now that we have some information to begin with, let’s take a look at the process. The goal of this section is entitled; “From the Street to the Seat”. This will walk us through the four initial areas of contact which will influence the way our first-time Guest perceives our church family by the way they are; Greeted, Directed, Treated, and Seated.

Greeted, Directed, Treated, and Seated.
Now, I want to throw in some possible and probable perspectives that guests will have. It is important that we understand their perspective as God brings those gifts of people our way.

Greeted- (Guest #1’s perspective may be that society says Christians are self-absorbed and think only of themselves).
Welcomed with a smile -“Everything speaks to first-time Guests; everything.” The Following is a list and description of the various “positions.”

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Have A Positive Attitude

Be Enthusiastic
Consider where they are coming from emotionally. Observe their body language. Connect with them emotionally.  This final responsibility is the most important of all. Everyone associated with the Hospitality Ministry Team must—must—be enthusiastic, positive, and see the bright side of things. This is more important than all of the details mentioned above. Guests want a positive experience. It is hard to recover from a nonchalant greeting. An enthusiastic greeting lets guests know they can expect an uplifting and enjoyable experience as they approach God together with the rest of your church family in Bible classes and worship.  Enthusiasm can be faked, but it will be recognized as fake. Constantly remembering the significance of the task that hosts perform will generate genuine enthusiasm.

A hospitality ministry is not as important as the Bible. It is not as important as worship. It is not as important as a daily living sacrifice to God. If all of these things are so much more important than a Hospitality Ministry Team, why bother? If your congregation is not friendly, loving and warm, guests will never get past that and move on to all those things that are more important. That is why the task of the Hospitality Ministry is so important.

Also, while everyone in the body of Christ is very important, the lost souls are important too. Please consider what Jesus said in Luke 15.  The one lost sheep (1 %) gets the focus of the 99 who don’t go astray. The lost coin (10%) gets the focus over the 9 accounted for at the time. The lost son (50%) is at the heart of two sons when one is lost. So, let me encourage us as a body to not exclude one guest at the expense of our chit-chat with a member. Don’t neglect the “opportunity of outreach” as one of God’s gifts. We need to build a culture that understands our friends and brethren can catch-up with one another at some other time, but right now we are doing mission work. In fact, hopefully they learn the value of how much God loves lost people.

Remember the importance of the first 7 MINUTES. It is all the time it takes a first-time Guest to decide whether or not they will come back. This is before they sing one song, hear one prayer or hear one word of a lesson! The clock is ticking and time is short to make a great first impression. Once a bad impression is made, it is virtually impossible to change it no matter how good everything else is that ensues, because everything else will be filtered through the “eyes” of that impression. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

People Matter

Remember their name and share your name. This adds a feeling of value to them. Names are important. When a greeter introduces a guest to a few key people, he will no longer view your church as a cold institution. Instead, the guest is more likely to view it as a warm, loving family.

Think about being genuinely interested in them. If members use guests’ names, their opinion of the congregation goes up. If a greeter calls the guest by name later, after worship or during a Bible class, their opinion of the congregation goes sky high. Most of us think we can’t remember names. Most think it is a talent that some have but they don’t. However, remembering names is a skill that can be developed just like any other. There are a couple of things that you as Greeter can do to improve your memory of names.

Your name is valuable too. An important aspect of being a Greeter is to be identifiable as one. Some may have a name badge to identify us as Greeters. This not only will identify us, but it will make it evident to our Guests that we’re organized and that we value Guests who are sent our way. Assimilation is simply well-planned Biblical hospitality through service. The head of the church is the greatest server of all time. Doesn’t it follow that we should be the ultimate example of such service to our Guests? With the right attitude and culture in place, we can serve in a way that will truly touch lives for God’s kingdom.

Say the person’s name. Self-improvement courses say to repeat the name three times to learn it. That is good advice, but it seems artificial to say, “Good to meet you, Patrick Davis. What brings you our way this morning, Patrick Davis? Well, Patrick Davis we certainly hope you enjoy your time with us.” Try this approach. In order to remember a name, be sure you hear it. When someone introduces themselves to you if there is any doubt say, “I’m sorry. Please repeat your name. Patrick Davis? Well it is good to meet you.” As you guide them to the next connection point, introduce him to others by name. “Larry, I want you to meet Patrick Davis. He’s one of our guests this morning. Patrick works in the office building near your shoe store.” “It’s been good to meet you Patrick. I think you’d really like our young adult class. Paul (or what the person’s name is) can help you find the classroom and introduce you to some of the people in the class.”

After you meet a guest and they leave to go to Bible class or into the assembly, one of the best things you can do to help you remember their name is to write it down. Our welcome books help in this area. Section hosts should do their best in this area. By simply writing it down, you have reinforced the memory process. The difficulty is remembering the name, not the face. Even if you have a dozen names written down, before the morning is over, you will likely remember which face goes with each name. Writing it down also helps you to keep a mental note of who is visiting. Next time you are greeting, take your list of names, review it and you are more likely to recall the name of a person who comes again. You may not always remember the name when you meet the person again, but think how powerful it will be when you do. One of the best ways to use the information immediately is to review the list quickly before the end of the worship service. As soon as the service is over, seek out guests and express your appreciation for their visit and use their name. Carry an index card or a small pad of paper and a pen. Do this exercise. It will be worth it. 

Introduce Yourself with Your Full Name So People Will Remember It

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Parking Shuttle

Shuttle Ministry
A humorous glimpse of our new shuttle ministry
Posted by Edmond Church of Christ on Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Monday, August 8, 2016

First Impressions

 Parking Lot Greeters-and Golf Cart Ministry

This role is more important on special days with larger crowds. It can receive the most positive feedback and can have the biggest impact on the Hospitality Ministry. Greet nonmembers with a kind word and unknown guest with a guiding direction. First, it is very unique to have someone meet you at your car and accompany you to the door. That makes a huge impression and cannot be discounted! Each week you will become more familiar with members who park in that area. Then you will be able to make a distinction of guests from members.

  • We will need 1 Greeter at the North parking lot, one at the Southeast parking lot and 1 and the Southwest parking lot. Think about the importance of Guest Parking to funnel most of our Guests to the best entrance. Consider best signage for guests and best for senior’s parking. This will allow us to concentrate on a smaller area and lessen the likelihood of missing someone. 
    • These Greeters will need to be in place 15 minutes prior to the beginning of First Service and Class/Second service, and stay until 10 minutes after the beginning of the services and class. 
    • If it’s raining, pickup people on golf cart. For others an umbrella needs to be carried to assist the people inside (Consider getting umbrellas with the church name on them for guests to identify general use). 
  • Don’t be shy about asking those arriving for worship if they are visiting, but please don’t ask “are you a visitor”. Use the term “visitor” as a verb, not a noun. If they are members, then you need to meet them anyway. Any special information obtained may be given to the Greeters at the front doors (they are guests, they've been here a few times, etc.). 
  • Be discerning about their reaction to your initial approach. Some people don’t want any attention or help. Be friendly and respectful of their wishes and let them know we are glad they are here. If the initial contact is made properly, a negative reaction should be a rarity.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

"First Face" Greeters

Outside Door Greeters

These Greeters will receive the Guests from the parking lot, get their name and introduce to the “Inner Door Greeters”. They can help open car doors and help families with small children. Also, those with walkers or wheel chairs. They can open the door for everyone entering the building with a big smile and “Good Morning, Glad You Are Here”.
  • We will have 2 Greeters at the North Entrance and 2 Greeters at the South Entrance. Please help our seniors (especially those with walkers etc.) to get out of their car and into the building.
  • These Greeters are in place 15 minutes prior to each service and class and stay 10 minutes after the service begins.
  • Upon recognition of a Guest, the “Outside Door Greeter” will introduce them to the Bulletin Greeter”.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Bulletin Greeters "First Information"

Bulletin Greeters

These Greeters can open the door for everyone entering the building. If a Guest is introduced to them by the Outer Door Greeter they will in turn introduce them to a Building Host or a friendly member in the area. There is a heavy emphasis on being “directed” at this point. If worship is about to begin, direct them in that direction. Giving them a sense of where to go at this time and that they will be well received there.
  • We typically have 2 Greeters or a couple at each “set” of doors on the North Side, South Side, Chapel, New Kitchen, and Fellowship Entrances for First service. For Class/Second service we have bulletin greeters at North Entrance and South Entrance.
  • These Greeters will need to be in place 15 minutes prior to each service and class and remain until at least 10 minutes after they begin.
  • They need to hand-out both the adult bulletin as well as children’s activity sheets. This provides an opportunity to “start a conversation” and get to know the person and direct them to either a Building Host or a member who is available.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Building Hosts "First Feet"

Building Hosts

(Guest #1 is lonely and feels like nobody cares about them. Will there be someone expecting me? Guest #2 is lost in this world and wonders if they really matter to God.)

The responsibility of the Building Host is being a greeter that "floats" to the area of greatest need. You should get many steps in this responsibility. Please be available to assist any Guest with locations of classes, restrooms, children’s registration areas, etc. This is an “action” position. Guests are to be personally escorted to the appropriate class and introduced to the teacher or at least to a member of the class. Upon the completion of this task, the Building Host will return to the foyer to be available for any other Guest’s needs. The Building Host should escort the Guest to the appropriate place. If there is not enough time to do so, the suggestion should be made that they fill out the information card in the Welcome Books during the worship time. If the Guest has children that need to be taken to class, make sure to wait there with them until their child is checked in and then be available to take them to an adult class. *This will require the Building Host be familiar with the different class opportunities and where each is located.* Again, discernment is critical. We don’t want to smother a guest, but be proactive and intentional in helping them. If they indicate by words or body language that they would prefer being left alone, then honor their wishes and offer to be available if they have any questions or needs.

  • We strive to have "a couple" or 2 Building Hosts at First Service, Class & Second Service.
  • They will need to be in place 10 minutes prior to Service (or classes) beginning and continue through the period of time. Be active and engage with guests, and with members encourage them to help or be in the worship service.
  • Be welcoming -- when someone comes in that you don't know, or looks like they don't know where to go, welcome them right away. Give them your name and ask, "Can I help you?"
  • Give direction to guests and help them engage with the appropriate group.
  • Be informative -- Child Check-in; fill out label with child's information. (Take them to Brenda or Dana) Classroom locations are posted on the walls, digital displays in the foyer as well as bathrooms.
  • Be available to those who may leave early.
  • Benevolence policy -- During assembly times, if someone needs help with food, please get them a food box that is assembled and stored in the Food Pantry upstairs across from the 2nd grade classroom. If they are in need of funds; take their name and phone number and place the information in the drop box. The deacon in charge of benevolence will be given their number and will contact them to make arrangements for their needs. We do not disperse personal funds. (The benevolence fund will not reimburse you.) We do not give out personal phone numbers of our members. If they do not want to come in for worship, please make sure they leave the building. We do not want anyone blocking the doors by soliciting funds.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Auditorium Section Hosts - "First Seat"

"Section" Auditorium Greeters/Ushers/Hosts

  • Ideally, this position is best fulfilled by a married couple and enlist other members to match the guest's personality. These hosts are more “social people,” who can engage in potential longer conversations. It will involve 3 separate tasks; Greeting, Ushering, and Hosting. The Greeting aspect is easily understood. The Hosting duties will include making contact with Guests before and after services to introduce Guests to members. The ushering aspect lends itself to inviting guests to find the right place for them to "feel at home."
  • This position is the biggest challenge due to the difficulty in staying focused on Guests coming into your area. We must have the help of the members of the congregation in not engaging our Greeters in lengthy conversation (several minutes). At some point we may decide to give auditorium hosts a ribbon to wear, that would mean they’re “working”, so please try to avoid being a distraction. While we want to "embrace" our members, this critical time can be the vital aspect of connecting to those who we want to become Christians or members.
  • Another major roll of this couple is to manage our "Welcome books" used for attendance records, a major tool to "connect" with guests. It allows for starting a conversation as soon as church is finished. This has been our more personable way of gathering guest and member information. This has proven to be a more effective approach connecting with guests. These will be placed on the end of each pew in your section. At the designated time, the books will be passed down the row with each family completing their information until the book gets to the other end. When it gets to the other end, it is to be passed back to the end where it started. At that point they will be collected by the section hosts and delivered to the back of the auditorium. Please encourage the people in your section to connect with those next to them.
  • We have valuable people to host at both morning services.
    • Greeters in the balcony (2 first service and 8 second service). These Greeters will need to be in place 10 minutes before First Service and continue in this ministry 10-15 minutes after the service begins to be able to assist late-comers.
    • Greeters on the floor of the auditorium (6 first service and about 10 second service). These Greeters will need to be in place 10 minutes prior to the end of class before 2nd service. They will need to stay on post 10-15 minutes after the service begins to be able to assist late-comers.
  • As with other Greeters, care must be taken to keep focus on the people entering the auditorium; keeping alert for anyone looking lost or unsure where to go. The "Building Hosts" or floating Greeters at the auditorium doors may signal you or call you over if they make contact with a Guest so that a “seamless hand-off” can take place.
  • These Greeters/Ushers will be responsible for finding Guests/members seats. It is awkward for a Guest to “climb over” when trying to find a seat, so the Greeter/Usher will take care of making room for Guests and member latecomers.
  • It is important for these Greeter/Hosts to make note of where the Guests are seated so that immediately after services they can go make contact with them and introduce them to members in the area. Ideally, an invitation to lunch will be made by either a member or the Greeter/Host.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Classroom Hospitality "First Family"

Auditorium / Classroom Door Greeters 

Besides being ready with a big smile and handshake, this Greeter will be responsible for ensuring that everyone received a bulletin; Guests and members alike. These Greeters must be ready to answer questions, but carrying on a lengthy conversation with friends is not recommended. As with each and every one of these Greeting roles, it is imperative that we stay focused and on point so that we don’t let a Guest wander in without our noticing because we’re visiting with friends. Try to save that for after services when you aren't “working.”
  • Each class needs 1 Greeter / Greeter Couple at the main classroom door.
  • These Greeters will need to be in place early.

Monday, August 1, 2016

"Lasting Heart" Impressions

While first impressions are critical, the lasting impressions is equally important. The last 7 minutes are as important as the first 7 minutes. Research shows that this is what people will remember.

In review, we have 7 opportunities to make contact with a Guest; in the parking lot, at the outside doors, the inside doors, in the foyer at large, at the Welcome Center, at the auditorium doors (inside or out) and in the pew. By this time, we will have shown our Guests that we are a very friendly and caring church family by having many people make multiple contact with them and making them know that we value them, their decision to attend, and their presence very much. Our Hospitality Team and members must constantly be on the lookout for people they do not recognize, and if a 10-year member is met, then that’s a good thing; not a point of embarrassment. Intentional friendliness leaves a lasting impression on their heart. Everyone wants to feel welcomed and wanted. People will forget what you said, but never forget how you made them feel. 

As a Greeter and Christian Member, you have the prime opportunity to become the church’s thermostat for the worship assembly by setting the emotional temperature for the day and what guests will take home in their hearts. Minimizing the apprehension level of first time Guests by giving them clear and friendly assistance in finding a parking place, their class, their seat in the worship service, and information about our church family, the temperature has been set at a nice warm, comfortable level allowing true and deep worship to take place. You've given our Guest a feeling of inclusion and acceptance and perhaps lessened the tension that some may have arrived with from trying to “get to the church on time”, tension from the unknown, and tension from any number of other personal factors that went into affecting their mood. You've helped them have a more positive and engaging worship experience, making them ready to absorb God’s message to them that day and want to return again.

You have been chosen to be a part of this ministry because you have demonstrated the gift of hospitality (making people feel welcomed and included). You are an ambassador for Christ and His love. We know God says they “belong here,” so let us envision a process that includes that transition. The importance of your work in this hospitality ministry is almost indefinable. God, in His wisdom, has sent us a prospective brother or sister, a gift, who may just be the answer to a prayer for help in another area of service at the Edmond congregation. By treating God’s gift with respect, honor, smile, and a thankful heart, we increase the chances of turning our First Time Guests into viable, productive coworkers in Christ’s church that meets at the Edmond Church of Christ. Thank you for your willingness to serve in this vital kingdom call.