Friday, August 5, 2016

Building Hosts "First Feet"

Building Hosts

(Guest #1 is lonely and feels like nobody cares about them. Will there be someone expecting me? Guest #2 is lost in this world and wonders if they really matter to God.)

The responsibility of the Building Host is being a greeter that "floats" to the area of greatest need. You should get many steps in this responsibility. Please be available to assist any Guest with locations of classes, restrooms, children’s registration areas, etc. This is an “action” position. Guests are to be personally escorted to the appropriate class and introduced to the teacher or at least to a member of the class. Upon the completion of this task, the Building Host will return to the foyer to be available for any other Guest’s needs. The Building Host should escort the Guest to the appropriate place. If there is not enough time to do so, the suggestion should be made that they fill out the information card in the Welcome Books during the worship time. If the Guest has children that need to be taken to class, make sure to wait there with them until their child is checked in and then be available to take them to an adult class. *This will require the Building Host be familiar with the different class opportunities and where each is located.* Again, discernment is critical. We don’t want to smother a guest, but be proactive and intentional in helping them. If they indicate by words or body language that they would prefer being left alone, then honor their wishes and offer to be available if they have any questions or needs.

  • We strive to have "a couple" or 2 Building Hosts at First Service, Class & Second Service.
  • They will need to be in place 10 minutes prior to Service (or classes) beginning and continue through the period of time. Be active and engage with guests, and with members encourage them to help or be in the worship service.
  • Be welcoming -- when someone comes in that you don't know, or looks like they don't know where to go, welcome them right away. Give them your name and ask, "Can I help you?"
  • Give direction to guests and help them engage with the appropriate group.
  • Be informative -- Child Check-in; fill out label with child's information. (Take them to Brenda or Dana) Classroom locations are posted on the walls, digital displays in the foyer as well as bathrooms.
  • Be available to those who may leave early.
  • Benevolence policy -- During assembly times, if someone needs help with food, please get them a food box that is assembled and stored in the Food Pantry upstairs across from the 2nd grade classroom. If they are in need of funds; take their name and phone number and place the information in the drop box. The deacon in charge of benevolence will be given their number and will contact them to make arrangements for their needs. We do not disperse personal funds. (The benevolence fund will not reimburse you.) We do not give out personal phone numbers of our members. If they do not want to come in for worship, please make sure they leave the building. We do not want anyone blocking the doors by soliciting funds.

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