Saturday, August 6, 2016

Bulletin Greeters "First Information"

Bulletin Greeters

These Greeters can open the door for everyone entering the building. If a Guest is introduced to them by the Outer Door Greeter they will in turn introduce them to a Building Host or a friendly member in the area. There is a heavy emphasis on being “directed” at this point. If worship is about to begin, direct them in that direction. Giving them a sense of where to go at this time and that they will be well received there.
  • We typically have 2 Greeters or a couple at each “set” of doors on the North Side, South Side, Chapel, New Kitchen, and Fellowship Entrances for First service. For Class/Second service we have bulletin greeters at North Entrance and South Entrance.
  • These Greeters will need to be in place 15 minutes prior to each service and class and remain until at least 10 minutes after they begin.
  • They need to hand-out both the adult bulletin as well as children’s activity sheets. This provides an opportunity to “start a conversation” and get to know the person and direct them to either a Building Host or a member who is available.

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