Parking Lot
Greeters-and Golf Cart Ministry
This role is more important on special days with larger crowds. It can receive the most positive feedback and can have the biggest impact on the Hospitality Ministry. Greet nonmembers with a kind word and unknown guest with a guiding direction. First, it is very unique to have someone meet you at your car and accompany you to the door. That makes a huge impression and cannot be discounted! Each week you will become more familiar with members who park in that area. Then you will be able to make a distinction of guests from members.
- We will need 1 Greeter at the North parking lot, one at the Southeast parking lot and 1 and the Southwest parking lot. Think about the importance of Guest Parking to funnel most of our Guests to the best entrance. Consider best signage for guests and best for senior’s parking. This will allow us to concentrate on a smaller area and lessen the likelihood of missing someone.
- These Greeters will need to be in place 15 minutes prior to the beginning of First Service and Class/Second service, and stay until 10 minutes after the beginning of the services and class.
- If it’s raining, pickup people on golf cart. For others an umbrella needs to be carried to assist the people inside (Consider getting umbrellas with the church name on them for guests to identify general use).
- Don’t be shy about asking those arriving for worship if they are visiting, but please don’t ask “are you a visitor”. Use the term “visitor” as a verb, not a noun. If they are members, then you need to meet them anyway. Any special information obtained may be given to the Greeters at the front doors (they are guests, they've been here a few times, etc.).
- Be discerning about their reaction to your initial approach. Some people don’t want any attention or help. Be friendly and respectful of their wishes and let them know we are glad they are here. If the initial contact is made properly, a negative reaction should be a rarity.
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