Monday, December 21, 2020

Hospitality in the Bible

Hospitalityreception and entertainment of strangers

A. Kinds of:
Treacherous . . . Judg. 4:17–21
Rewarded . . . Josh. 6:17–25
Unwise . . . 2 Kin. 20:12–19
Critical . . . Luke 7:36–50
Unwelcomed . . . Luke 9:51–53
Joyful . . . Luke 19:5, 6
Turbulent . . . Acts 17:5–9
Forbidden . . . 3 John 1, 9, 10

B. Act of:
Commanded . . . Rom. 12:13
Required of church leaders . . . 1 Tim. 3:2
Discipleship . . . Matt. 25:35

C. Courtesies of:
Protection provided . . . Gen. 19:6–8
Food . . . Luke 11:5–8
Washing of feet . . . Luke 7:44
Kissing . . . Luke 7:45
Denied with indignities . . . Judg. 19:15–28; Luke 10:10–16

D. Examples of:
Abraham to angels . . . Gen. 18:1–8
Lot to angels . . . Gen. 19:1–11
Laban to Abraham’s servant . . . Gen. 24:31–33
Joseph to his brothers . . . Gen. 43:31–34
Pharaoh to Jacob . . . Gen. 45:16–20
Rahab to the spies . . . Josh. 2:1–16
David to Mephibosheth . . . 2 Sam. 9:6–13
Martha to Jesus . . . Luke 10:38–42
Lydia to Paul and Silas . . . Acts 16:14, 15
Barbarians to Paul . . . Acts 28:2, 7

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